One Time Giving Program

Licence under section 8 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013
Regn. No. 259273 under RoC Kolkata

INR 3000

To support a detoxification of 15 days for a street Addict which includes Doctor, medicine for withdrawal management, general medicine , Food and lodging

INR 6000

To support 30 days treatment of one street Addict which includes Detoxification and short Rehabilitation with complete clinical intervention.

INR 12000

To support this organisation, to do an outreach to trace street street addicts by conducting small outreach program in Kolkata, Odhisa, Siliguri and Gangtok

INR 12000

To support various projects of awareness by conducting small work shops, seminars Mall Campaigns and social media, print media, television/radio tie ups.

You can also make bank transfers

Account Name:
Account Number:
Account Type:
IFSC Code: